Hongsheng bolt specializing in theproduction of GB6560 pan head thread forming screw /GB6561 countersunk head threadforming screw /GB6562 half countersunk head thread froming screw /GB6563hexagonal head thread fomring screw, all kinds of pattern groove can becustomized processing drawings to samples.
(1) Machine screw (mechanical equipmentscrew), namely screw rod, with small flat head developed at the front end,small tooth spacing, symmetrical, generally used to tighten metal materials andequipment components.
Machine screws can be divided into verticaltightening screws and horizontal expansion screws; According to the thread canalso be divided into:
A: Triangle thread (60 degrees) :fuse/lock/expand
B: Useful triangle thread (55 degrees):fuse/lock
C: Ladder thread (30 or 29 degrees) : Drivedrive
D: Square thread (90 degrees) : Drivingdrive
(2) Thread foming self-tapping screws, alsoknown as deltoid locking screws, or deltoid screws. It means that the end ofthe tapping screw is triangular tooth, tooth thread is triangular shape. It belongsto a unique type of self-tapping screw, its thread is with arc triangular crosssection of the general thread, the surface of the thread also has a higherstrength, so in connection, the screw can be tapped in the bottom hole of theconnector, and then produce a connection. These screws are characterized by lowscrewing torque and high locking characteristics.
The first advantage of thread formingscrews is that they can attack themselves. For some customers, the strength isrelatively hard, such as stainless steel plate, etc. The thread froming screwapplied its self-tapping characteristics. Better access to merchandise.
Thread forming screw, the second advantageis to save nuts. It does not have to be fitted with a nut like a mechanicalscrew. This is good for customers in terms of cost reduction.