Screws can be divided into many kinds,according to the different head, according to the different thread todistinguish. For example, the common triangular screw is a kind of specialself-tapping screw. The end of the screw is in the shape of three arcs and thetooth thread is in the shape of three edges.
antou Hongsheng Screw Industry Co., LTDis specialized in the production of triangular tooth screws with high strengthcarbon steel and stainless steel. Today xiaobian to talk about the fourcharacteristics of triangular tooth screw and where it is used in the relevantknowledge.
Triangular self tapping screw thread hasthese four characteristics: pitch, tooth shape, line number and rotation, onlyfour characteristics of the same internal and external threads can be occludingeach other.
1 pitch
The distance between two adjacent teethcorresponding to two points on the median diameter line is called the pitch.The distance between two adjacent teeth on the middle diameter linecorresponding to two axial points on the same spiral line is called lead.
2 teeth type
The profile of the thread through the axisof the thread is called the tooth profile. The Angle between the two adjacentteeth is called the profile Angle. The tooth shape of triangular thread istriangular and the tooth shape Angle is 60°.
3 line number
The number of helices forming a thread iscalled the number of threads. There are single-thread and multi-thread threads,which are uniformly distributed in a section perpendicular to the axis.
4 handedness
When viewed along the axis, a threadrotating clockwise becomes a right thread, while a thread rotatingcounterclockwise is called a left thread.
What are the advantages of triangular-toothself-tapping screws compared with ordinary self-tapping screws?
The advantage of triangular tooth screw isthe hardness that faces a few products is more hard, for example cabinet ironboard. The triangle screw USES its self - tapping properties. Get into theproduct better.
The second advantage is that nuts can besaved. It does not need to be fixed with a nut, like a mechanical screw. Inthis respect, it is better for the customer to save the cost.