Classification of stainless steel screws

2020-05-14 11:48 HONGSHENG BOLT

Classification of stainless steel screws

1.304 stainless steel screws

304 material is also known as a2-80material, Is equivalent to our 06 cr19ni10 stainless steel (GB/T 20878-2007).Although this kind of stainless steel in China is very common, but the"304 stainless steel" from the United States. Many people think of304 stainless steel is one of the Japanese model, but strictly speaking, aJapanese official called for 304 stainless steel is "SUS304. Commonlabeling method has on the market of 06 cr19ni10, 304, three kinds of SUS304,among them 6 cr19ni10 general said GB standard production 304 stainless steelis a very common stainless steel, the industry is also known as 18/8 stainlesssteel, high corrosion resistance, good processing performance,304 stainlesssteel screws is one of the commonly used stainless steel screws.

2.316 stainless steel screws

Due to the addition of Mo element, itscorrosion resistance and high temperature strength have been greatly improved,and its high temperature resistance can reach 1200-1300 degrees. It can be usedunder severe conditions.

Corrosion resistance is better than 304stainless steel, in the production process of pulp and paper has a goodcorrosion resistance. And 316 stainless steel is also resistant to ocean andcorrosive industrial atmosphere.

Heat resistance: in intermittent use below871°C(1600°F) and continuous use above 927 °C(1700°F), 316 stainless steel(06Cr17Ni12Mo2) has good oxidation resistance. It is best not to use continuous316 stainless steel in the range of 427° c-857 °C(800° f-1575 °F), but thestainless steel has good heat resistance when continuous 316 stainless steel isused outside this temperature range. The carbide precipitation resistance of316L stainless steel is better than that of 316 stainless steel.

3.304L stainless steel screw

The most important difference between 304and 304L is the carbon content. 304 is a general model, while those with L areall low-carbon models with better welding performance. Of course, what thefirst floor says is only one aspect, now on the market some low carbon model304L just reduced the carbon content, so it is about 500 yuan /T more expensivethan the general 304, and sometimes according to customer needs, there will be304L containing about 9% nickel, one nickel higher than the general 304, 304Lstainless steel screw hardness is therefore higher than 304.

4.316L stainless steel screws

316L is a kind of molybdenum stainlesssteel, due to the molybdenum in the steel, the overall performance of the steelis better than 310 and 304 stainless steel, under high temperature conditions,when the concentration of sulfuric acid is less than 15% or more than 85%, 316Lstainless steel has a wide range of USES. 316L stainless steel screws also havegood resistance to chloride corrosion, so they are usually used in Marineenvironments.

316L stainless steel screws have a maximumcarbon content of 0.03 and can be used in applications where annealing is notallowed after welding and where maximum corrosion resistance is required.

5.Austenitic stainless steel screws

Austenitic stainless steel refers to stainlesssteel with austenitic structure at room temperature. Steel has stableaustenitic structure when Cr is about 18%, Ni is 8%~10% and C is about 0.1%.Austenitic chrome-nickel stainless steel includes the famous 18cr-8ni steel andthe high cr-ni series steel developed by adding elements such as Mo, Cu, Si, Nband Ti with the addition of Cr and Ni contents on this basis. Austeniticstainless steel is non-magnetic and has high toughness and plasticity, but itsstrength is low. It cannot be strengthened by phase transition, and can only bestrengthened by cold processing, such as adding S, Ca, Se, Te and otherelements.

The 304/316/304l /316L stainless steelscrews introduced above are all austenitic stainless steel screws

6.Op stainless steel screws

Austenitic stainless steel screws(304/316/304l / 316L stainless steel screws) are widely used in China,including automobiles, electronics, fluid equipment, Marine engineering, etc.

Austenitic stainless steel screws can besaid to cover all the advantages of austenitic stainless steel screws, inparticular the model DH (188-dh (1268-dh (5611)) three types of sustainability,so that the austenitic screws have the characteristics of wide distribution andlarge consumption.

7.Martensite stainless steel screws

Martensitic stainless steel is a kind ofstainless steel whose properties can be adjusted by heat treatment (quenching,tempering). Generally speaking, it is a kind of hardenable stainless steel.This feature determines the steel must have two basic conditions: one is theequilibrium phase diagram area exists, must have the austenite phase in thetemperature range in the area for a long time heating, make the carbide aftersolid solution in steel, for quenching martensite formation, is the chemicalcomposition must be controlled in gamma or gamma + alpha phase zone, the secondis to make the alloy corrosion and oxidation resistance of passivation filmformation, (must be at least 10.5% chromium content. According to thedifference of alloying elements, it can be divided into martensitic chromiumstainless steel and martensitic chromium nickel stainless steel.

Martensite stainless steel screws are notas widely used as austenitic stainless steel and opu stainless steel screws dueto their material.


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